Recipes by & © Andrew Feldman


Lemon Custard

Glossary: C = 8 oz. cup, T = tablespoon, t = teaspoon, # = pound

Yield: 8 x 6 oz. individual ramekins


3 C Fluid dairy product Combinations of milk, light cream, and heavy cream all work. More fat yields a richer, denser result.
3 Whole eggs
4 Egg yolks
2/3 C Granulated sugar
11/2 t Vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean
2 oz Fresh lemon juice
Pinch Salt

  1. Read method completely, clearly visualizing each step.
  2. Place 8 x 6 oz. ramekins or 1 large oven safe loaf or pie plate into a baking pan with at least 3" sides.
  3. Mix whole eggs, yolks, sugar, vanilla extract (if not using vanilla bean), lemon juice and salt in a large stainless steel bowl.
  4. Scald fluid dairy product (and vanilla bean, if used. Remove bean and scrape seeds into the fluid dairy product. Wash off seedpod and store in sugar jar for vanilla scented sugar.)
  5. Pour hot liquid into the bowl and mix gently to avoid bubbles and foam.
  6. Pass through a fine strainer or cheesecloth into a container with a spout (or into a bowl and use a ladle in step 7).
  7. Pour into ramekins or large oven safe pan.
  8. Fill baking pan with hot water until it reaches halfway up the sides the filled ramekins or pan. Do not spill water into the custard mix. Spoon off any foam or large bubbles from the surface of the custard.
  9. Put baking pan into the oven. Turn oven on to 350 degrees. Bake ramekins about 40 minutes or until the custard is set. Larger pans will take longer.
  10. Remove custard from pan. Cool. Serve chilled.

Use: serve directly in ramekins with a rosette of whipped cream and a berry garnish. Crispy cookies are a great accompaniment. For crème brulee, spread 1 ½ C of light brown sugar on a sheet pan to dry overnight. Evenly spread the sugar over the custard and caramelize it under the broiler or with a torch. Serve custard baked in large pan in a like manner.

My favorite: Feed to beloved, spoon by spoon.


Lemon Curd

Glossary: C = 8 oz. cup, T = tablespoon, t = teaspoon, # = pound

Yield: 3#


1 # Granulated sugar
3 T Lemon zest (the very outside rind of citrus, without the bitter white pith. Best made with fine side of a box grater.)
10 oz Fresh lemon juice
6 Whole eggs
7 Egg yolks
8 oz Butter Sweet if possible
Pinch Salt


  1. Read method completely, clearly visualizing each step.
  2. Mix zest and sugar together in stainless steel bowl. Tempered glass or any other nonreactive material will be OK.
  3. Add lemon juice, whole eggs, and yolks.
  4. Place bowl over a simmering (not boiling) water bath. Whip constantly until mixture reaches 180 degrees. A plastic whip will prevent curd from possibly turning gray.
  5. Pass through a fine strainer or cheesecloth into a very clean bowl. Cool over a water bath, stirring occasionally. While still warm, mix butter into the curd. Keep refrigerated.

Use: Is excellent as a filling or topping for cakes, as pie filling topped with whipped cream or meringue, for split biscuits with strawberries or blueberries. Whip 1 pt. of heavy cream and fold into curd and fill tart shells, crepes, eclair shells, etc.

My favorite: spoon directly into mouth without distractions of cakes, pies, biscuits and so on.


et cetera
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